3773 Charleston Hwy. We want to ensure all of our Wildcats are ready and prepared for school. for New Windsor Park Families Our first, and most important, priority is to provide safe transportation for children. Elementary Schools, Mustafa Khaksar Named February 2023 Superintendent's Student of the Month, STEM Academy Teacher Raegan Dillon Named 2024 SCCPSS Teacher of the Year, District 7 Town Hall Meeting - March 30, 2023, New Beginnings Art Showcase hosted by Savannah Chapter of The Links Inc, 2023 Star Students and Teachers Recognized at Annual Luncheon, Four SCCPSS Special Education Teachers Recognized as SPED Teachers of the Year, Five SCCPSS High Schools Named AP Honor Schools for 2023, Leading by Empowering and Advancing Parents - Reskilling and Upskilling For the New Workplace, District Achievement Showcase- Honoring SCCPSS Student Athletes, Middle School Students Inducted into SCCPSS Junior Police Academy, Savannah Early College High School Named Cognia School of Distinction, SCCPSS Students in Elementary and Middle Grades Compete in the Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl, DeRenne Middle Scholar Named January Student of the Month, M. Ann Levett, Ed.D. Our District at a Glance. Click here for a printable School List websites are accessible to students, faculty, staff and the
Staff Directory. Procedures, Admin
To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video, Blood Drive, Family Bingo Night, Scholastic Book Fair is Feb. 22, 2nd Annual Event Draws Estimated Crowd of 1,000, Three Windsor CSD Elementary Schools Taking Part, Girl Scouts Looking for New Members, Volunteers, Villecco Enhances Favorite Childhood Spot for Others, Right at School Program Begins October 17, 3rd Graders Getting Lessons in Biodiversity at Roberson Museum, Windsor 3rd Graders Meet Pen Pals at Binghamton University. St. John de Brebeuf Catholic Elementary School Windsor Park G/t - Fourth Grade School Supplies List 2022-2023, 4525 S Alameda Corpus Christi, TX 78412-2448, Corpus Christi Isd 21st Century. ADDRESS IS 2060 E. Northwest Hwy!!! Savannah, GA 31401
This information may be outdated if you're looking for new or upcoming information. Curriculum. The first $40 of a backpack or bookbag purchase is also tax-free. Let's Talk. Supply lists and and complete district . REGISTER YOUR CHILD. AACPS prohibits discrimination in its educational programs, and in employment, on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity, or disability. We also hope our website conveys the essence of the wonderful learning environment fostered by our dedicated teachers and talented students. Special Called Board of Education Meeting, 6:00 PM
Board of Education Regular Public Meeting - Tuesday . Board. Sign in front of Winsor elementary school. Find out up to date weekly information from Windsor Village Vanguard Magnet. Our doors have been open for 63 years. St. Pius X Catholic Elementary School Your Family May Qualify. Weeks pre-k students see how animals survive winter. Why You Should Enroll Now at DMPS! Important Links. During August 14-20(Sunday through Saturday), eligible apparel and footwear $100 or less will be exempt from the state's 6 percent sales tax. Phone: (607) 775-3226. You can print the list or save it to your computer for printing later. an alternate format by contacting us: communications@sccpss.com, Frequently
If you have any trouble obtaining the supplies listed, please contact your child's teacher or our Family Engagement Facilitator, Mrs. Terico Moore. . FindOutFirst Email & Text APR. Holy Name Catholic Elementary School Holy Names Catholic High School Graduation Rate 92.3 %. 2021-2022 School Supply List; Online Payments; Blackhawk for a Day Survey; Show All. St. Rose Catholic Elementary School St. Peter Catholic Elementary School Loves Park Elementary School. St. John the Baptist Catholic Elementary School (with French Immersion) Windsor Elementary School 20008 Courthouse Highway Windsor, VA 23487 (757) 242-4193 (757) 242-3842 Principal: Ellen Couch ecouch@iwcs.k12.va.us . The Districts Spring MEGA Hiring Event is being held Saturday, February 4, at Aiken High School. Apryl Mendoza, Nurse, 806-326-5702. Textbooks for Review Windsor. Website. Oakwood-Windsor Elementary School; Supply List; Popular Links. 5th Grade Mixer gets students ready for middle school. February 24th - PBIS SALE - Neon day. St. James Catholic Elementary School 1200 South Dunton Avenue. 2021-2022 Birthday Treat Order Form; 21-22 School Supply List; Activity Resources for Students; Box Tops for Education; Important Information about Food Allergies/Prevention and Response; . Parents welcome. Windsor Supply List 2022. Elementary School. 1 Huskie Circle Machesney Park, IL 61115. Welcome to the West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District. Cheer & soccer camps begin, Coding and programming on tap for campers. Blue Ribbon Task Force I.B. Kindergarten Registration and Choice Program Information Sessions. Windsor Public Schools | Home #weareWINdsor Follow Us! St. Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Elementary School St. Christopher Catholic Elementary School SD57 Policies - 60 Day Consultation for Input. 2022-23 SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST - To view the school supply list for the current school year please click here! Become Here. Christ the King French Immersion Catholic Elementary School(Candidate School) Indigenous Education. Acad. 7944 Forest Hills Rd. Windsor Elementary. Windsor Elementary School Burnaby School District. websites are accessible to students, faculty, staff and the
St. Angela Catholic Elementary School HISD Connect by PowerSchool includes student contact, enrollment, and demographic information, as well as grades and online resources. Start your search for the top programs in Windsor here. 2. February 24th - End of 2nd Trimester. Calendar, 2023-24
Office of the Ombuds District Title IX Coordinator: Dr. Terrell Hill, Superintendent / 601 Matianuck Avenue, Windsor, CT 06095, 860-687-2000. HMS Grade 6 Supply ListHMS Grade 7 Supply ListHMS Grade 7 (Team 7A) Supply ListHMS Grade 8 (Team 8C) Supply List, PreKCecchini,Harding - Bustamante,Kipp-Harding,Valletta, 1st GradeDiCola-Rein,Fox, St. Clair,Jonisz, 2nd GradeBajana-Mauro,Fitzgerald,Markowitz, 3rd GradeAllen-Wennerberg,Gano,Yonnone-Sickler (3rd/4th), Carraro (Unlimited Horizons), 4th GradeYonnone-Sickler (3rd/4th),Baxter-Zeffiro,McGuire-Ortquist,Zouhairi,Dolfinger (4th/5th), 5th GradeAmaro,Batista,Dolfinger (4th/5th), Sweeney, NWS Mrs. Van Riper K-1-2 Supply ListNWS 1st Grade Supply ListNWS 2nd Grade Supply ListNWS 3rd Grade Supply ListNWS Ms. Lynch 3-4-5 Supply ListNWS 4th Grade Supply ListNWS 5th Grade Supply List, SMS 6th Grade Supply ListSMS 7th Grade Supply ListSMS 8th Grade Supply List, THA-Kindergarten Supply ListTHA-1st grade Supply ListTHA-2nd grade Supply ListTHA-3rd grade Supply ListTHA-4th grade Supply ListTHA-5th grade Supply ListTHA-6th grade Supply ListTHA-7th grade Supply ListTHA-8th grade Supply List, (845) 563-3700 175 Quassaick Avenue, New Windsor, NY 12553, Meadow Hill Mrs. Moeller and Mrs. Nonnon's Supply List, Meadow Hill 8:1:2 (K-5) Corrado, Dursley, Kondas, Pozzuoli Supply List, Vails GateGrade 2/3 12:1:1 Self-Contained Supply List, Vails Gate Third Grade (Dual Language) Supply List. In 2000, six kindergarten classes were added. 8 /10. Windsor Elementary School. The mission of the Windsor Central School District is to ensure each learner is future-ready by providing empowering educational experiences. Middle School. Friday the 25th will now be aregular day of classes for all students, Weather forecast forces cancellation. Revoke of Consent Form. 2100 Fleur Dr; Des Moines, Iowa 50321; Call (515) 242-7911; Contact Us . Frugal. That was the championship word Leavelle McCampbell Middle School eighth-grader Graham Pickrell spelled correctly Monday night at the Aiken County Public School District Spelling Bee. Visit the Comptroller of Maryland's web page on tax free shopping for additional information. St. Anne French Immersion Catholic Elementary School Proceeds benefit shared elementary event, Program is in all 3 elementary schools this year, Abdullah, Hendricks, & Schmitt earn honor, Windsor's youngest students tackle engineering, Elementary students impressed at Maker Faire STEAM event, Elementary students take part in Mix It Up, Red Ribbon Week, An elementary PE unit is teaching more than a new sport, UPK, Head Start students get first-hand look at first responders, A surprise dessert teaches a lesson in agriculture, Event will feature food, games, and live entertainment, Buffalo Business First ranks Windsor 5-star district in two categories, Classroom resident sends UPK student detectives scrambling, Animal lesson kicks off elementary science expansion, Education Department highlights schools for continuous improvement, 5th graders get hands-on experience with the Trades, Student Council effort nets over $1,200 for charity, American Heart Association donates recess kits to Bell, Palmer, & Weeks, Nowacki, Shaffer, Colosi win Board election, Share experiences, learn parenting strategies, Good performance gets Weeks students B-Devils awards, Knight Pack benefits students facing food insecurity, After a year of writing, elementary students, College pen pals meet at Binghamton University, Knight Pack food program reaches milestone, District earns distinction for second straight year, FFA students make elementary school stops, Binghamton U grad students develop young Windsor scientists, Community Day February 23 caps Engineering Week, Progressive Dental teaches healthy habits to Weeks students. School supply lists for 2022-2023are now available. Check out the South Carolina State Department of Education's link for "Supporting Early Literacy at Home: A Paren't Guide." Notre Dame Catholic Elementary School Principal: Tamara Lamberson Asst. Corpus Christi Catholic Middle School Bus Dismissal: 2:37 p.m. Walker / Parent Pick-up Dismissal: 2:45 p.m 42% OF WHS STUDENTS ENROLLED IN AN AP, CONCURRENT, OR DUAL CREDIT COURSES. West Windsor, NJ 08550 609-716-5000. Please contact them directly. Windsor Supply List 2022. Struggling Financially? Oakwood-Windsor Elementary School's Mission: Ownership of our learning. Board of Education Meeting. Sacred Heart Catholic Elementary School WE OFFER 16 PATHWAYS IN CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION. Windsor High School. The Windsor C-1 Schools website is moving! B+. Claytia Doran, Secretary, 806-326-5700. . Wrestling Camp, Windsor Strong & Knight Lights continue. 27. However, if you are unable to purchase any of these supplies, please contact a staff member at the school and comparable supplies will be provided. We appreciate your support in providing these materials for your child. Advisory Committee. Contact info. Public Information Requests Student Technology Acceptable Use and Safety. Claymation movies, farm field trip & water relay races finish week of programs, Finished movies now available for viewing, Knight Lights trip to Winsor Acres highlights day, Amimal science week at Knight Lights, Athletic, Fine Arts camps being, Soccer tournament, cheer showcase, & a robotics display, Robotic arms "rescue" animals at Knight Lights. Dogwood Elementary is where our students become academically driven and culturally conscious lifelong learners through the use of . 680 Academy Court, Windsor, CO 80550 Office Phone: (970) 674-5020 Office Fax: (877) 594-4749 Secure Fax Line Attendance Line: (970) 674-5162 Office Hours: Monday - Friday, 7:35 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. School Day: Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. WCA Middle & Early College High School We're seeking vendor submissions for the following requests for proposals: Download and print the at-a-glance, one-page school calendars: Accountability for the bond measure funds will be provided by the Bond Oversight Committee.
To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that
Oakwood-Windsor Elementary - Home of the Wise Owls - located at 3773 Charleston Hwy in Aiken. Acad. System is committed to ensuring that all material on its
Knight Lights, basketball & wrestling camps continue, The pros teach the students about the role of sports in the community, Visit to MHAST, human body week at Weeks, Basketball Camp, Improvement on the court, business meeting & the science of bubbles highlight the day, Binghamton Chamber part of study of what makes a community strong, Windsor Strong Academy, Knight Lights, Basketball Camp in full swing, College, high school players help Windsor children learn the game, Campers should get email by end of day 6/30 w/info, bus times, Threat of impending thunderstorms forces move indoors, 47 members of Class of 2024 off to middle school, Song, dance and gymnastics highlight show, Awards Ceremony, Peter Pan performance highlight day, Day of physical activity gets kids moving, 4th Grade Band, 5th Grade Band, 5th Grade Percussion Group, & 4th and 5th Grade Chorus featured, Event at Klumpp Park features ice cream and icebreakers, 40th annual event at Binghamton University, Student Council Presidents provide feedback to Superintendent, Program targets summer slide, achievement gap, Google Expeditions take students around the world and beyond, K-2 students at Palmer, Weeks, Bell take part, Green carnations, crazy socks behind donation, Click article for more information and to Register, Click to find attachment of newsletter & public hearing presentation. 208 Bull Street
School supply lists are now available. UPK & Expanded UPK for 3-Year-Old Students, Crisanti, Pendorf, Buchanan, McCarthy Supply List, C.R. Where: Culvers-2060 E. Northwest Highway. Learn More Three elementary schools -- Dutch Neck Elementary School, Maurice Hawk Elementary School, and Wicoff Elementary School -- serve children in Kindergarten through Grade 3. Weeks Elementary to Host Blood Drive, Windsor Once Again Named Among Best for Music, Capital Project/Vehicle Purchase Vote Thought Exchange, VIDEO: Capital Improvement Project and Vehicle Purchase Vote, Broome County Symptomatic Testing Program, Campbell Concert Rocks Elementary Schools, Binghamton University/Windsor CSD Wellness Study, Mobile Mammography Van at Weeks Elementary Feb. 17, Dec. 11 COVID Update - Student Case at Weeks Elementary, Oct. 16 Positive COVID Case at Weeks Elementary, Remote Learning Tech Distribution Sept. 8 & 9, Free & Reduced Lunch Application Available, Summer Camps Postponed Until Further Notice, Bell, Palmer & Weeks Named PLTW Distinguished Schools, Applebee's Fundraiser to Benefit Knight Pack, Three WCSD Educators Named NYS Master Teachers, Windsor Named Top-3 District in Binghamton-Elmira Area, Parenting Wisely Group to Meet at Elementary Schools, 5th Annual Knight Pack Walk/Food Drive Sunday, Windsor CSD Summer Program Schedule & Registration, Windsor Named a Best Community for Music Education, Odyssey of the Mind Regional Tournament Saturday, District is Now Accepting UPK Applications, Superintendents Conference Day Friday, January 25th Cancelled, Registration Info for WYSR Lacrosse, Baseball & Softball, Band, Chorus Performance at Saturday's B-Devils Game Cancelled, High School Class Leads Relief Effort for California Fire Victims, Waldron Inducted into St. John Fisher Hall of Fame, Windsor CSD Explores Before & After School Care. Windsor Elementary School Supply List Georgie Tyler Middle School Supply List Smithfield Middle School Supply List Supply lists for high schools are specific to each course. Bus Status Information St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School (with French Immersion) Office Hours Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m- 3:30 p.m. Fax: 803-641-2561. 2021-2022 WFES School Supply List (1).pdf, The Savannah-Chatham County Public School
Media Requests More Events >. Online Kindergarten Registration for September 2023 will open February 1, 2023. . Des Moines Public Schools. Here, you will find a list of supplies that will contribute to your scholar's success and wellbeing throughout the school year. 2016. Calendar, Federal Programs Complaint
Windsor Elementary. 2021-2022 WFES School Supply List (1).pdf. Windsor Forest Elementary: Open House -- Aug. 1, 1-3 p.m., Pre K-grade 2; and 3-5 p.m., grades 3-5. . Schoology West Windsor-Plainsboro Regional School District Parents & Students Supply Lists. Tier Districts with 11 Newly-Named NYS Master Teachers, 3rd Grade Science & Engineering Expo Tuesday, June 5, Naloxone Training at Windsor HS Rescheduled for June 5, Windsor HS to Host 3-on-3 Basketball Tournament, Rain Couldn't Stop 1st Windsor Strong Community Day, Superintendent's Council Meets as School Year Nears End, 11 Windsor Students Part of National Championship Team, 4th Annual Knight Pack Walk Raises Food, Money to Fight Hunger, Registration, Schedule for 2018 Summer Program Available, Mobile Dental Clinic Visiting Windsor Schools, Superintendent's Council Holds Quarterly Meeting, Helping Economically Disadvantaged Students Succeed, PARP Begins at Windsor Elementary Schools, Weeks Donates to Broome County Humane Society, Ten Windsor Teams to Compete in Odyssey of the Mind, Register for First Annual Windsor Strong 5K, Weeks Winter Concert Features Band, Chorus, Windsor Banners Go To Stoneman Douglas High School, Odyssey of the Mind Regional Competition March 10, Pint-Size Hero Program Brings Blood Drive to Weeks, Windsor Broadcasting Club Debut Broadcast Friday, Young Windsor Artists Contribute to Holiday Art Show, Superintendent's Council Reports Progress, Offers Change, Baskeball Clinic Available for 3rd-6th Graders, Windsor On-Line Store is Live until Nov. 16, Fill the Bus Challenge to Help the Hungry, Myleanna Siedlecky Honored as Akshar All-Star, CR Weeks Chorus to Perform at Binghamton Devils Game, Young Minds Explore Relationship Between People, Environment, Technology and Learning Parent/Guardian Survey, The Windsor Youth Soccer Webstore is Open, Library of eBooks & Audio Books Available to Windsor Students, Teachers, Cheerleading Car Wash Fundraiser Saturday, 9/11 Service Announcement Highlights First Day of School, Advocate for the Disabled Delivers Message to Windsor Staff, District Honors Staff Members for Service, Volleyball Raffle to Benefit Harvey Relief, Middle School Students Collecting Donations for Soldier Care Packages, Family Fun Night at Klumpp Park Wednesday, Robotics Week Ends with an Arm-azing Display, Windsor Strong Students Present Community Findings, Knight Lights Students Prepare for Geocaching Adventure, Combat Veteran Speaks to Students about Keeping Communities Safe, Windsor HS Pool Closed to Public July 22 & 24, Windsor Strong Students Continue Community Study, Rathmell Returns to Windsor for Basketball Camp Visit, Windsor Strong Tours B-Devils, Rumble Ponies, Windsor Strong Academy Students Meet with Chamber of Commerce, Visit from BU Women's Team Highlights First Day of Basketball Camp, Knight Ligths, Athletic Camps Begin July 10, High School Graduation Will be Held in Gymnasium, 5th Graders Say Goodbye to C.R. All Rights reserved. Calendar, 2024-25
VA. 23452. St. Gabriel Catholic Elementary School Simply sign up and shop to help our school earn free class equipment, all donated by Price Chopper. Dwayne Garrick will soon lead a new team of student athletes as the recently-selected Head Football Coach of the Aiken High School Hornets. Campers prep for robotics challenge, cheer showcase. 27-31. School Cash Online Shop MarylandTax-Free Week Facts Supply lists will be distributed by teachers upon returning to in person education. GreatSchools Rating 5 reviews Public school 399 Students Grades PK-5. Strategic Plan H.J. Mission: Winfield Elementary staff is committed to create a school environment where students' academic achievement and social/emotional needs are the priority of all members of our school and community at-large in order for all students to achieve their best. Our diverse campus is also a world school under the International Baccalaureate Programme. Weeks Elementary, Talent at Weeks on Display at Variety Show, Buddy Field Days, Color Run Make for Fun Friday at Weeks, Weeks Elementary Performs Spring Concerts, Windsor Elementary Students at Poetry and the Children Day, 5th Graders Find Their Own Answers in Project Lead the Way, Occupation Celebration Brings Exciting Careers to Weeks, Superintendent's Council a Catalyst for Change, 5th-Graders Learn Impact of Natural Disasters, International STEM Collaboration Comes to Windsor, Weeks Elementary Students Help Sock Out Cancer, Black Knight Scholarship Fund Spring Scholarship Shape-Up, Capital Project Vote Newsletter & Public Hearing Presentation, WCSD Wellness Committee to Host a Community Flu Clinic. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Catholic Elementary School Middlesex Elementary School. Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. St. Anthony Catholic Elementary School Home; School Info. We ask parents' help in reinforcing 1) Safety; 2) Respect; and 3) Responsibility when students ride in a district vehicle. 20. HISD students must attend 90% of school days, Windsor Village Student attends G-Unity Business Lab, HISD Connect PowerSchool: TRACK YOUR CHILD'S PROGRESS ONLINE, Baylor College of Medicine Academy at James D Ryan MS, Baylor College of Medicine Biotech Academy at Rusk, Distrito Escolar Independiente de Houston, Houston Academy for International Studies, Kashmere Gardens Elementary Fine Arts Magnet, Kinder High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, Laurenzo Early Childhood Education Center, Lovett Elementary School Fine Arts Magnet, Martin Luther King, Jr. Pin It Tweet. Programme Info at Windsor Park. Supply List; If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. As Aiken County Public Schools prepares to open its newest state-of-the-art campus, the public is invited to share their input on demographer recommendations for the schools attendance lines. 6 out of 7 Schools Met or Exceeded Growth. 2nd Graders Enjoy a Recycling Lesson With a Souvenir, Special Vote Nov. 23. Presentations cap month-long research projects. Supplies needed by middle and high school students will vary depending on which specific classes students are enrolled in. MAR. Digital School Flyers Delivered To All Your Devices. . Friday's Parent/Teacher Conferences Cancelled, Dr. Jason A. Andrews Named NYS Superintendent of the Year, Windsor Leads So. School Supply Lists; Media Center; Windsor's Weekly Updates; School Supply Lists 2022-23 . Windsor's Administrative Team. St. Mary French Immersion Catholic Elementary School St. Thomas of Villanova Catholic High School, Assumption College Catholic Middle School 2022-2023 Supply Lists - Parent Information - East Windsor Regional Parent Information 2022-2023 Supply Lists 2022-2023 Supply Lists Scroll down to view supply lists for all schools. Cardinal Carter Catholic Secondary School St. Michael's Catholic High School - (Adult) Windsor Supply List for 22-23; PTO Information; School Supply List; PACE; Parent/Student Handbook ; Sixth Grade Welcome Packet and Registration; Windsor Elementary School 5504 W. Hallett Rd, Spokane, WA 99224 Phone: (509) 559-4200 Fax: (509) 624-9107 | Login. Annual Family Check-In is now open for all currently enrolled families who will have children in our district for the 2023-2024 school year. Smithfield Middle School. Together they make Windsor Village the unique and special place we believe it to be. Dalea Tatum, Principal, 806-326-5705. Forms Windsor. 233 Presidential Boulevard, Virginia Beach, VA 23452 . The Board of Education approved the below policies in principle and for distribution. Supply Lists | Deerfield Elementary Supply Lists Deerfield Elementary School will provide the necessary supplies for your child to have a quality educational experience. Wicoff Elementary School; Community Events; COVID-19. Elementary School Snowdon Elementary School Sunset Elementary School Three Springs High School Westwood Middle School Windsor Elementary School Cheney Public Schools Contact . Interims - Check Parent Portal for Grades . Inspiring Innovation, Empowering Success. Owner/Head Coach Polhamus is 2003 Windsor Graduate, Fundamentals stressed at football, field hockey camps, Students will go to Cole Park Wednesday, Thursday, Visit from Wagner coach, Windsor alum Houghtaling highlights football camp, Windsor Strong students set to present findings July 27, Environment, education groups hold Q-&-A with leaders. Please Create A Marquee Email . Frequently Asked Questions 191 South East Street Parents will receive their students access ID from their school by September 14. 11150 Windsor Road Ijamsville, MD 21754 Phone: 240-236-5000 Fax: 240-236-5001. The Catholic Education Centre is a scent-free building. honey, Palmer Elementary 1st grader a "mystery reader" for Weeks pre-k students, The big impact of therapy dogs at Palmer Elementary, Fundraiser to offset costs of practice gear, Program encourages students to read at home, Regional competition at Broome-Tioga BOCES March 10, Middle School, HIgh School students sending support to Parkland, FL students, Walk/Run 5K, music, food, games will highlight event, Scott Beach & Maryann Tuttle finish 2nd & 3rd, respectively, Club will live stream girls varsity basketball game, Proper skills can lead to healthy, drug-free behavior, Works on display at Binghamton General Hospital through January, Five school presidents advise Superintendent on District policy, Grassi & Hendricks share the latest in digital tools, 3rd graders are creating their own fossil exhibits, Hour of Code highlights Windsor students' year-long programming, How inquiry-based learning and new standards are changing science class, Clinic every Saturday through January from 10am-11am, Get great gear and support Windsor's Future Business Leaders of America, Bus Safety and Anti-Bullying Lessons at Weeks, Donated canned goods to Windsor schools, bus garage through Nov. 3, Changes this year in K-8 Project Lead the Way subjects, 2nd grader praised for her positive attitude in the face of adversity, Chorus will sing National Anthem on October 28, Inquiry-based lesson for 3rd & 4th graders, Download titles from OverDrive or via OverDrive app, Fundraiser at Hatala Orthodontics in Johnson City, Middle School to honor first responders, soldiers, "Teena's Trunk" holds lessons for educators, Years of service, perfect attendance recognized, Rocket launches help campers say goodbye to summer.