is jehoahaz and ahaziah the same person

Jehu, who was earlier anointed by one of Elisha's young prophets, as the man to wipe out the family of Ahab, was hunting down and killing the family and friends of Ahab. Also the same person who asked God to send down fire from heaven to consume two companies of fifty men. Be our patron for as little as one dollar a month:, The Passion of the Christ and the Theory of Everything, Stars and fractals: the many hearts of wisdom, How the Bible relates to Homer like Ape to Dog, How circumcision created the modern world, The many Hebrew roots of the Greek language, The first Jehoahaz we come across is a son and successor of. Standard Bible Encyclopedia. * 2Ch 21:17 - Jehoahaz. Queen mother Athaliah reigned six years until the threat of Jehu had waned, and her surviving son Jehoash ruled all of Israel. Elijah the Tishbite. 2-4) was such that Necho had him seized and carried to Riblah in the plains of Hamath, the seat of Necho's authority. Name, occurring in two passages in II Chronicles (xxi. also known as: Ahaziah. xxii. There are three distinct kings mentioned in the Holy Book who are carrying this name. Israels army and chariots had been mostly destroyed by the end of Jehoahazs reign (2 Kings 13:7), leaving the nation vulnerable to attack. The people made him king of Judah since . BIBLIOGRAPHY: N. Avigad, Eretz Israel, 9 (1969), 9; B. Cogan and H. Tadmor, II Kings (AB; 1988), 3034; S. Ahituv, Handbook of Ancient Hebrew Inscriptions (1992), 118. The kings of Syria, Hazael and Benhadad, oppressed and spoiled the country. A . The people set up Jehoahaz out of order; Johanan is never after mentioned; the pagan Pharaoh set up Jehoiakim; Nebuchadnezzar Zedekiah. 18. Also called Shallum, 1 Chronicles 3:15, the third son and the successor of Josiah king of Judah, B. C. 609, reigned about three months in Jerusalem. xxii. At age 35, Jehoshaphat succeeded his father, Asa, who was the first good king over Judah. (KJV BBE DBY WBS YLT NIV), Jehoahaz: Also Called Shallum: King of Judah and Successor of Josiah, Jehoahaz: Also Called Shallum: Prophecies Concerning, Jehoahaz: Also Called Shallum: Wicked Reign of, Jehoahaz: Pharaoh-Necho, King of Egypt, Invades the Kingdom of, Defeats Him, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, 3059. (1) The 9th king of Judah; son of Ahaziah and Zibiah, a woman of Beersheba ( 2 Kings 11-12; 2 Chronicles 22:10-24:27 ). |, Who were the kings of Israel and Judah? Thiele's explanation of the apparent discrepancy between these two verses was that 2 Kings 8:25 was by non-accession reckoning and 2 Kings 9:29 by accession reckoning, reflecting the transition that Thiele said was taking place at this time from non-accession reckoning back to accession reckoning for the kingdom of Judah. Ahaziah likely wasn't Jehoram's youngest son absolutely, but he was the youngest of the senior royal princes who were born early in Jehoram's reign. 2Ki 23:31 and 2Kin 23:36 ) brother, B.C. On the death of his father in battle, which threw the realm into confusion, he, though a younger son (compare 2 Kings 23:31 with 23:36; 1 Chronicles 3:15 makes him the fourth son of Josiah), was raised to the throne by "the people of the land," the same who had secured the accession to his father; see under JOSIAH. Jehoahaz. Jeconiah/Jehoiachin Zedekiah Jehoash ( , " Yahweh -given"), sometimes written Joash, was the king of the ancient Kingdom of Judah, the sole surviving son of Ahaziah. Jehoahaz had ruled for three months. Josephus alters the figure of 13:1 to 21; and, to meet the same difficulty, the Septuagint (Aldine edition) changes 37 to 39 in 13:10. Next person in the Bible: Ahaziah, King of Israel. Explore the world's faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality! The territory beyond Jordan, embracing 2 1/2 tribes, or one-fourth of the whole kingdom, had been lost in warfare with the Syrian king, Hazael (2 Kings 10:32,33). by his father as rivals to the throne. Three times did Joash strike him, and recovered the cities of Israel. Was Jehoahaz and Ahaziah the same . During the period of his rule Syria under Hazael and Ben-hadad became particularly aggressive (II Kings xiii. Joash was rescued and hidden in a storage room of the Temple by his Aunt Jehoshabeath, who was King Ahaziah's sister. Chronology of Reign:Josephus was already aware (Ant., IX, viii, 5) of the chronological difficulty involved in the cross-references in 2 Kings 13:1 and 10, the former of which states that Jehoahaz began to reign in the 23rd year of Jehoash of Jerusalem, and reigned 17 years; while the latter gives him a successor in Jehoash's 37th year, or 14 years later. 13 In the twenty-third year of Joash the son of Ahaziah, king of Judah, Jehoahaz the son of Jehu began to reign over Israel in Samaria, and he reigned seventeen years. Jehoash was 7 years old at his accession, and reigned 40 years. An (unprovenanced) seal with the image of a rooster, dated paleographically to the late seventh or early sixth century B.C.E., reads: lyhwz bn hmlk, "belonging to Jehoahaz son of the king.". The name Jehoahaz means Yahweh is sustainer or whom Yahweh holds, but, ironically, none of these kings trusted in the Lord or followed Him. According to the second book of Kings, Jehoash was sinful and did evil in the eyes of Yahweh for tolerating the worship of the golden calves, yet outwardly at least he worshiped Yahweh. Ahaziah of Judah (Hebrew: u05d0u05b2u05d7u05b7u05d6u05b0u05d9u05b8u05d4u05d5u05bc, u02bcu0102u1e25azyu0101hu016b; Greek: u039fu03c7u03bfu03b6u03b9u03b1u03c2 Okhozias; Latin: Ahazia) or Jehoahaz I (2 Chronicles 21:17; 25:23), was the sixth king of Judah, and the son of Jehoram and Athaliah, the daughter (or possibly sister) of king Ahab of Israel. If the siege of Samaria in 2 Kings 6 belongs to his reign, we might connect this with his wearing "sackcloth within upon his flesh" (6:30)-an act of humiliation only accidentally discovered by the rending of his garments. Ahaz means to seize, to lay hold, and the name Yah lays hold is particularly appropriate to the Israelite king Jehoahaz. And Jehoahaz his son reigned in his stead. xiii. "(Jeremiah 22:10). Jehoahaz Begins His Rule. The last of these kings is better known as Uzziah. // chosen people/questions.htm, Jeremiah Jehoahaz, the successor of Josiah, deposed by the Egyptians and exiled after a three months' reign, xxii.10-12, was succeeded by the rapacious Jehoiakim (608 /// to the old testament/jeremiah.htm, The Fall of the House of Ahab all the substance that was found in the king's house, and his sons also, and his wives; so that there was never a son left him, save Jehoahaz [Ahaziah, Azariah //white/the story of prophets and kings/chapter 16 the fall of.htm, The Kingdom of Judah. Accordingly, Jehoahaz reigned from about Tammuz to Tishri of that year (609 B.C.E.). The female version of this name is Athaliah. Who was king after Jehoahaz in the Bible? (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NIV), 2 Chronicles 36:2Jehoahaz was twenty and three years old when he began to reign, and he reigned three months in Jerusalem. of his father's reign, and he ruled eight years. 2 Kings 13). Bright, Hist, 303; Tadmor, in: JNES, 15 (1956), 22630; Vogt, in: VT, Supplement, 4 (1957), 9297; S. Yeivin, in: Tarbiz, 14 (1941), 2645; Malamat, in: IEJ, 18 (1968), 13744. Jehoahaz his son reigned in his place. The prophets also seem to have set store by him, if we may judge by the sympathetic mentions of him in Jeremiah 22:11 and Ezekiel 1:3, 4. The pharaoh installed Jehoahazs brother, Eliakim (aka Jehoiakim) as king and deported Jehoahaz in chains. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 2 Chronicles 36:1Then the people of the land took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah, and made him king in his father's place in Jerusalem. Bryant G. Wood notes that in 1 Kings 19:15 the prophet Elijah was directed by God to go to Damascus and anoint Hazael king of Aram, "an unusual circumstance". Sources for Jehoshaphat's family tree (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 2 Kings 13:25Jehoash the son of Jehoahaz took again out of the hand of Benhadad the son of Hazael the cities which he had taken out of the hand of Jehoahaz his father by war. Biblical narrative Jehoahaz besought the Lord for a deliverer to relieve Israel from Aramean oppression, and He provided a savior for Israel, who is not named. Compare 3099. see HEBREW for 03068 see HEBREW for 0270 1. 609598 bc). Ahaziah fled for his life, but was wounded at the pass of Gur in Ibleam and had strength only to reach Megiddo, where he died (2 Kings 9:2228). Careers Workplace and Religion Columnists, Recreation Outdoors and Religion Columnists, Religious Music and Entertainment Columnists, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Traduzioni in contesto per "Re d'Israele ed" in italiano-inglese da Reverso Context: La pace di questo mondo cangiante ed instabile, per questo motivo il popolo di Gerusalemme ricevette Ges quando entr nella citt santa, acclamandolo come Re d'Israele ed alcuni giorni dopo, la stessa moltitudine lo respinse: Crocifiggilo, crocifiggilo! His inglorious history is given in (, Jehoahaz, otherwise called Shallum, son of Josiah, whom he succeeded as king of Judah. 1-9, 22); Israel's army was reduced to a mere handful of troops (ib. kill all the descendents of evil King Ahab, and assume the throne of King Jotham. 19:4). 856-840, over Israel in Samaria. Jehoahaz, otherwise called Shallum, son of Josiah, whom he succeeded as king of Judah. Joash was rescued by Ahaziah's And Necho took Jehoahaz his brother, and carried him to Egypt. To this end, she killed She massacred all the members of the royal house of Judah (II Kings 11:13), except Joash. He became one of the country's most successful rulers for one simple reason: He followed the commands of God. King Jehoram and Athaliah then became queen and reigned for six years. So, Jehoahaz (Ahaziah) was buried after only one year on the throne of Judah. they were not delivered! This begins one-year coregency sometime in the six months on or after Nisan 1 of 842 BCE, which was in the 11th year of Jehoram of Israel (2 Kings 9:29) by Israel's Nisan calendar and non-accession reckoning (2 Kings 9:29). How was Joash able to survive and become a good king in the beginning? King Jehoshaphat. The story of his reign is told in 2 Kings 23:30-35, and in a briefer account in 2 Chronicles 36:1-3. |, The son and successor of jehu, reigned 17 years, B.C. Learn how your comment data is processed. Ahaz, also spelled Achaz, Assyrian Jehoahaz, (flourished 8th century bc), king of Judah (c. 735-720 bc) who became an Assyrian vassal (2 Kings 16; Isaiah 7-8). He moved his forces along the coastal route Via Maris towards Syria, along the low tracts of Philistia and Sharon and prepared to cross the ridge of hills which shuts in the Jezreel Valley on the south. At any rate his disposition (Ezek. He was one of the first major kings after Solomon. Necho brought Jehoahaz to Riblah and imprisoned him there. He was chosen by the people in preference to his elder (comp. Jeho = iah, both references to Yahwehs name, and the verb ahaz is common to both. The people of the land took Jehoahaz the son of Josiah, and anointed him, and made him king in his father's place. This was during the 23rd year that Joash son of Ahaziah was king in Judah. Two were kings of Judah, and one was king of Israel. In the first reference, Ahaziah is said to begin in the 12th year of Jehoram of Israel, whereas the second gives it as Jehoram's 11th year. [5] According to the account given in the Second Book of Kings, Ahaziah and Jehoram both went out to meet the rebellious general, with Jehoram learning too late of Jehu's murderous intentions. According to 2 Chronicles 21:1617, his older brothers had been carried off in a Philistine and Arab raid. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 2 Kings 23:30His servants carried him in a chariot dead from Megiddo, and brought him to Jerusalem, and buried him in his own tomb. Though not altogether obvious in English, the names Jehoahaz and Ahaziah are variations of the same name (cf. He continued to be known as the "youngest" (the qatn) because that was how he had survived the massacre. Panare version of Bible is a version of the New Testament allegedly published by Catholic missionaries to convert some Panare Indians. I. On his return march, he found that the Judeans had selected Jehoahaz to succeed his father Josiah. In the three and twentieth year of Joash the son of Ahaziah king of Judah Jehoahaz the son of Jehu began to reign over Israel in Samaria, [and reigned] seventeen years. xxii.11, 12. Although he ruled in the southern kingdom, Jehoahaz (Ahaziah) was actually a grandson of Ahab and Jezebel of the northern kingdom, and he followed in the sins of Ahab (2 Chronicles 22:34). Ahaziah was the youngest son of king Jehoram of Judah. Upon the suggestion of his advisors, Jehoahaz helped his uncle, King Joram of Israel, fight against Hazael king of Aram (2 Chronicles 22:56). xix. Sample Page; ; This Jehoahaz was the youngest son of Jehoram. ADD. Instead of turning to the Lord, he sent messages to the temple of a pagan god, Baalzebub, at Ekron, to ask whether he would recover from his injuries. Etymologically the names "Aazyah" and "Yeho'aaz." [4] There are three kings named Jehoahaz in the Bible. Jehoram (meaning "Jehovah is exalted" in Biblical Hebrew) was the name of several individuals in the Tanakh. It would seem that the tradition of II Kings 23:33, which says that Jehoahaz was deposed at Riblah in the land of Hamath, is to be preferred to that of II Chronicles 36:3, according to which he was deposed in Jerusalem. His reign was disastrous to the Kingdom. Systems of Transliteration Citation of Proper Names. Jehoash . The life of Elisha extended through the 3 reigns of Jehoram (12 years), Jehu (28 years) and Jehoahaz (12 or 13 years), into the reign of Joash (2 Kings 13:1). chariot approached, the two kings went together to meet Jehu, and he Jehoahaz was the second in that dynasty. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 2 Kings 13:1In the three and twentieth year of Joash the son of Ahaziah, king of Judah, Jehoahaz the son of Jehu began to reign over Israel in Samaria, and reigned seventeen years. The term corroborates what Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery always taught about Cumorah in New York; i.e., that it was the site of military battles and was, as the text says, a "hill" and not a mountain. The Arameans were defeated, but this left Jehoahaz with an army reduced to 50 horsemen, 10 chariots and 10,000 foot soldiers. 25 Touching lives from the grave 13 In the twenty-third year of Joash the son of Ahaziah, king of Judah, Jehoahaz the son of Jehu became king over Israel in Samaria and reigned seventeen years. Jehoahaz later died in Egypt (2 Kings 23:3135). Ahaziah, King of Israel, was the uncle of Ahaziah, King of Judah. He was a king for 1 year in Jerusalem. Was Jehoahaz and Ahaziah the same person? His mother, Athaliah, was King Ahab's daughter. Third son of Josiah, King of Judah (II Kings xxiii. The statement in 13:7 that "the king of Syria destroyed them, and made them like the dust in threshing," and the statistics there given of the depleted army of Jehoahaz, would correspond with the state of things that siege implies. 856-840, over Israel in Samaria. But his son Jehoahaz did not follow in his steps. Ahaziah (Hebrew: 'azy, "Yah has grasped"; also Greek: , Ochozias in the Septuagint and the Douai-Rheims translation) was . Later scholars corrected this by dating these kings one year earlier,[3][4] so that Ahaziah's dates are taken as one year earlier than Thiele's in the present article. Not follow in his steps Jehoahaz reigned from about Tammuz to Tishri of that year 609. Elder ( comp was one of the same name ( cf of Bible a. Faith through different perspectives on religion and spirituality of Jehu, reigned 17 years, B.C Jehoahaz out order. Cities of Israel old at his accession, and the name Yah lays hold is particularly to... 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is jehoahaz and ahaziah the same person