fresnillo, zacatecas crime

The industry leader for online information for tax, accounting and finance professionals. Between the weekend and today, 12 civilians were shot dead;two state police officers gunned down on public roads;two armed confrontations between gunmen belonging to antagonistic organized crime groups in the municipalities of Jerez and Fresnillo;the deprivation of liberty with violence of at least eleven people in a rural community of Pinos, is the balance of violence that occurred in Zacatecas, between the weekend and this Monday. The local, smaller groups started to "freelance" for bigger cartels from the other states, specializing on specific crimes. Violence continues in the state of Zacatecas, where at least 18 people were murdered in one weekend, at different events in the municipalities of Fresnillo and Guadalupe. There was evidence the deaths in the township of Valparaiso resulted from a confrontation between gunmen from the Sinaloa and Jalisco cartels, she said. The COVID-19 lockdowns also affected big parts of the drug business easy connections to ports and general mobility. Still fcked up to hear your family massacred. Mayor Monreal belongs to the Morena party.. Eyewitnesses indicated that the hitman who murdered him got up behind the policeman -at the same stop- and waited to riddle him with bullets several kilometers ahead, when the bus was driving behind the headquarters of the Technological University of Zacatecas, in the Golden Valley colony. As explained by Laura Caldern in Voice of San Diego, course leader at the University of San Diego, the main reason for high levels of violence in the area is drug trafficking and drug production, which is closely connected to gang activity. It is also one of the states where the citizens have seen the biggest deterioration in security and peace, regularly observing violent clashes between gangs and authorities. 3:51am I believe over 90% of these trolls are sinaratas primo. Cds must've got spanked, the "denuncia Zacatecas" page has been real quiet on this event, all major sources have reported the clash except DZ page and they favor mayozetas with a passion. The gunbattle came two days after the bodies of two abducted police officers were found hanging from an overpass in the Zacatecas state capital and seven people were discovered shot to death in a neighbouring city. According to authorities, the main reason for the spread of violence is drug related activity, with the local gangs fighting for their shares in the crystal methamphetamine business. For most of the population of Fresnillo, a mining city in central Mexico, a fearful existence is the only one they know; 96 percent of residents say they feel unsafe, the highest percentage of any city in Mexico, according to a recent survey from Mexicos national statistics agency. Drug cartels have hung the bodies of victims from overpasses before as a message to rivals or to authorities, but seldom do so with members of law enforcement. The CJNG is now the most powerful cartel in Mexico, and has expanded as it seeks to control the distribution networks in the east. With the proximity of the biggest oil refinery in Salamanca, surrounding cities also thrive from illegal fuel theft racketeering, including the city of Irapuato, which is classified as the city with the fourth highest homicide rate in the country. Guadalupes oldest son was murdered in Fresnillo last month. In SLP all you here is CJNG not "4 cartels fighting"Heres an article about how unsafe fresnillo residents feel, in a place CDS came to bring peace in , it also talks about the men interrogated by CDS how they were left with CJNG mantas.But, but CDS doesnt heat up it's own plaza huh. Guadalajara's history is closely connected to the cocaine and marijuana business in the 1980s, turning into a methamphetamine hot spot in the 2000s and gaining the informal title of "Chemical City," report Analy Nuo and Tom Phillips for The Guardian. I was beginning to suspect it was CJNG who took the L since they're pages have been quiet and DZ posted videos. It is state and federal. A failed war with drug incarcerated individuals outweighing murderers,rapist, ect. Inside the house there were five minors, whom the gunmen locked in a room so that they could not see the attack.CJNG would have blown them up using dynamite in front of their family. The city is surrounded by desert, but elsewhere giant warehouses appear on its outskirts that house assembly plants for auto parts and other manufactured products. When he was taking his dog for a walk one morning, he witnessed two men on a motorcycle shoot a guy who was washing his car outside his house, he said. 8:25 5:38 they are heating up,You both want to seem all politically correct being anti organized crime but both of you are just some cjng supporters mad at facts. Disfruta con nuestros Crucigramas para expertos! AMLO affirmed the dark days are over, only to experience the worst first year of any Mexican president ever when it came to murder rates 34.582 murders in a year (via Insight Crime). I think that a significant part of civil society took the path of saying, 'We don't need this group in Sinaloa anymore,'" explained a sociologist from Sinaloa, Toms Guevara Martnez. The deaths in Zacatecas also follow a flare-up in violence on the US-Mexico border where 19 people were killed last weekend. Z would have iced those kids. In different events, 10 deaths have been registered so far this day. Not only that you win more people to your cause when you show a little restraint, a little mercy, a little respect for life. The Monreal familys political dominance has been criticized inside and outside Morena. Quit wasting my fking time and answer the dam question pussy. 2109. Crime increasing in the past 3 years. LoL You're an idiot. Damn. Crime scene in Plateros, Zacatecas. The rest of the list includes cities in the states of Baja California Sur, Michoacn, Sinaloa, Mxico, Zacatecas, Tabasco and Tamaulipas. These areas were relatively calm until a few years ago, as they sit a long way from Mexicos principal drug entry and production points on the coasts and in the mountains, and from the exits along the northern border with the United States. Lpezwas released soon after as the authorities tried to minimize the consequences of the attack, which only deepened the wide disparity between political promises and action. The state borders the San Luis Potosi and Guanajuato regions, which face similar conditions: namely, violence over drug trafficking. increased methamphetamine (meth) consumption, Central Americans hopes for Biden end at the Mexico-US border, Mexicos president ramps up attacks on all sides ahead of June elections, We have made science fiction come true! 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The 36-year-old was a crime reporter for the online news outlet Testigo Minero Muiz, a father-of-four, was shot dead in Fresnillo, Zacatecas, while driving a taxi - his second job Fresnillo was reportedly the municipality most affected by the violence. All cartels kidnap and extortAll cartels kill innocent peopleAll cartels sell meth to kids and mess up communities Michoacan is a favorite for the biggest port in the western hemisphere and strategically located. All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. This "wheel network" of gangsters is less prone to information leaks and don't operate on personal connections, which makes them even more deadly, clarifies scholar Cecilia Farfn. Theres nothing here, she said. A few days earlier a lawyer was shot dead on the same street as he was leaving his office. An armed criminal cell fired on multiple occasions at Metropolitan Police officers (Metropol) who were guarding outside the Regional Center for Social Reinsertion (Cerereso) of Fresnillo. 8:30am afrimativo the homie a south sider btw did time in Lompoc federal prison amd said the sinalolas were straight bitches when it came down to handling business and condoned snitches made the paisas car look bad the bajas,michoas and jalisco were the ones with the shits quik to jump when it was needed whether a riot or what ever it the situation was. Pero de cualquier manera, el moral de eso es respeta la familia. Zacatuercas been violent and lawless since the zetas and golfos were fighting for that state.. @1:16pm Uh no. Pobres inutiles, pendejoz. They are so envious of Michoacanos. You sure as hell don't have to kill to show power. Filthy Michoachangos ruining my beautiful, peaceful state of Zacatecas. Zacatecas in north-central Mexico is being fought over by a number of drug cartels. In 2018, during his run for president, Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador offered a grand vision to remake Mexico and a radically new way of tackling the violence. In the nearby city of Fresnillo, police later found the bullet-ridden bodies of four women and three men. There is an unstoppable situation of violence and a tragic deterioration of public security in Mexico, said Angelica Duran-Martinez, an associate professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. The economy can boom and bust, presidents and parties and their promises can come and go, but for the citys 140,000 people, as for many in Mexico, there is a growing sense that no matter what changes, the violence endures. Among the findings there are minors involved, who witnessed a massacre. The bodies of 16 people were found in two different cities in Mexico's Zacatecas state on Saturday amid a turf war between two powerful drug cartels. We spend all day praying to Christ, said the shopkeeper. 558 It's ok bruh. Following years of heavily armed conflicts between criminal gangs and military forces, the country was counting the bodies of innocent bystanders. Despite the cartel's growing power across Mexico, internal disputes and ongoing war with local Santa Rosa de Lima often result in mass killings. The situation is very serious, not only in Fresnillo, but in the whole state. The homicide numbers reached new heights after 2020, plummeting the country deeper in despair, andAMLO's plan to tackle impunity and corruption in institutional forces as well as demilitarize Mexican cities through the newly established National Guard and "hugs not bullets cartel policy" did not go according to plan. My dad's from Los Remedios Michoacanbut honestly the states fucked. They are responsible for the illegal logging of an endangered tree in Michoacan, and as a result they are endangering the monarch butterfly population. Apoco tan lavados del coco estan? The first report was recorded in the municipality of Fresnillo, in the Pardillo Tercero community, where, in the streets surrounding the church of the town, they left 10 bodies abandoned wrapped in blankets and tan colored tape, a scene that caused terror for the inhabitants of the place. Demanding justice for Cabanillas, demonstrators drew attention to the fact that Isabel was a well-known fighter for women's rights, which could be the reason behind her murder (viaEl Paso Times). He went up to him and dogged him and I swear that sinaloa guy started shaking and walked away.. Michoacanos are tough and are in the history books as warriors and full of other MANY talented people till this day. Its really sad to see all these youngsters end up like this. But this increase in safety did not come without a cost, explain Josue David Pia and Marcos Vizacarra forInsight Crime. Try again sinarata. Civilians among 8 down in Zacatecas massacre. Dan asco. But for much of its recent history, residents say they were largely left alone. According to the 2021 Mexico Peace Index report, the whole region around Ciudad Obregn, Sonora, saw the biggest deterioration of peace in recent years. The Municipal Palace in Fresnillo was burned during a protest over the killing of a young girl. One man and a woman were found wounded at the scene of the attack, along with five . So far this Wednesday, at least 10 deaths have been registered in different municipalities of the state of Zacatecas. His brother, David, is governor-elect of Zacatecas. No ones debating control here, I'm just stating the obvious, logic and reality go hand and hand and if what your saying is true then? Anyone can read what you share. Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo; Whatever lies ahead for Zacatecas, its citizens want to know when they can stop feeling afraid. Or people being kidnapped because they suspect they're cjng? 2020 was especially deadly for the local residents, with an almost 50% rise in homicides. The bullet-ridden bodies of 18 people were discovered after what appeared to have been a shootout between members of rival drug cartels in northern Mexico. Im thought they didnt kidnap?? That began changing around 2007 and 2008 as the governments assault on the cartels led them to splinter, evolve and spread. Poor snitchaloas these michoamonsters are smashing on those chumps! Mexico's organized crime violence burst into full view Friday, as police in the north-central state of Zacatecas reported finding 14 bodies dumped on a roadside near the city of Fresnillo while . So CDS cant keep Zacatecas murder free? Mejor dicho,la mayoria,casi todos , son una mierda bien hecha. 2:51 if you believe God would sell anything to Satan for his money, you are more full of shit than hell and heaven put together, better get readyy for the Unpresidented Disgrace return to the Whites' House, I think there has not been a vaccine invented to cure the orange virus diseaseI think August is the month of the revenant. The victims appear to members of the Sinaloa and Jalisco gangs fighting for control of the narcotics trade in Zacatecas state. Morelos zac is held down by mz, this is not the first time they let people go who they pick up in these areas. Caught in the middle of the fighting are residents like Guadalupe. It didn't break, but it suffered serious cracks. Sinarata sewer rats terrorizing the state of Zac again. Add data for Fresnillo Consider looking into aggregate data we have for Crime in Mexico Your name: Sign In Nearby cities: The only people that I've gotten into problems with have been with the sinalola people. @ Canadian girl, if you wanna know what makes a michoachango a michoachango then read the past bb articles. Russia brought new law amendments to parliament on Wednesday that further strengthen the country's censorship laws, envisaging up to 15 years in jail for discrediting the armed forces and voluntary military organisations such as the Wagner Group. An altar for Henry and his two friends who were murdered together in front of Guadalupes house. Neighboring Guanajuato and San Luis Potosi, the whole area is subjected to rising levels of violence, a consequence of cartel wars over the thriving fentanyl business. Sal, who is Catalinas uncle, said: They have their people, we have ours. STOP!As long as there is demand for narcotics expect nothing to change. Fresnillo is the cradle of the Monreal family, almost half of whose 14 siblings are in politics, giving birth to the term Monrealismo. Half of these groups are proper criminal organizations, focusing their business on the distribution and production of heroin. Michoachangos are the worst just like the Zetas group. It's still a f'd up situation but I thank them guys for atleast keeping the kids from having to see that. 558Yeah CJNG got slaughtered apparently. But not even the familys political prominence has managed to rescue the city or the state. Zacatecas, once dominated by the old Zetas cartel, is being fought over by a dizzying number of cartels. Ex Zetas. Screen for heightened risk individual and entities globally to help uncover hidden risks in business relationships and human networks. Last month, authorities found the bodies of 10 people abandoned inside a vehicle in the historic center of the state capital, also named Zacatecas, a few steps from the government offices. Corridos have programmed dumbasses like you to believe CDS are some sort of saviors lmao.I'm idolizing? People like you are the defenition of stupid and denial. But delving deeper into Baja California, Tijuana is also infamous as one of the most dangerous cities in the world, with a homicide rate 20 times higher than the global average. You cartel idolizers are ridiculous. Fresnillo recently received the unwelcome accolade of being named the least safe place in the country according to its own residents, in a survey for Mexicos national statistics agency. 10:41pm Ignorant ass dude. Silver is still being mined in the city, and with deposits in the towns of Sonora and Durango, Fresnillo PLC provides more than 10,000 jobs locally. Obtendr un diploma con estadsticas de nivel, progresin y participacin. The area around Fresnillo the Zacatecas region saw the biggest deterioration in peacefulness in 2020, confirms the 2021 Mexico Peace Index report. He was swept to victory. His government has also gone after the financing behind organized crime. We are scared to death. The city of Culiacn is well known as the headquarters of the Sinaloa Cartel, one of the most notorious gangs in the world. And as a security force made up of members of the federal police, the military and other security professionals, it has not found cohesion. I'm just using your logic @844Think before you post. Those jockeying for turf in Zacatecas include the Sinaloa, Jalisco, Gulf and Northeast cartels as well as remnants of the Zetas who call themselves Talibans. That same afternoon, they found another dead body on the soccer field, he said grimly. We all know CDS style is wrapping mfs up in blankets and avoiding killing children. The eldest, Ricardo Monreal, 60, is a senator and one of Morenas heavyweights. For this Monday, a man was tortured, murdered, and beheaded in the Progreso neighborhood of the city of Fresnillo. 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fresnillo, zacatecas crime