why is the vatican shaped like a snake

Seems the way with other conspiracies go. Rome at the time was the empire that ruled the world. Neat inversion with the cross/key and serpent. Astrotheology reveals this. Any explanation for the statue of Christ that just accidentally looks like a snake? Trump: "Is that supposed to be a bad thing?". L'analyse des chroniques romaines et mdivales, des peintures, fresques, bas reliefs et sculptures, mais . Lucifer / Satan. Audience Hall is in the shape of a snake head. From unsealed Maxwell documents, witness interview: Bill Clinton was at Epstein's island with Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and "2 young girls.". Dont worry youre life is terrible but when you die God will take care of you.. EDIT: You can clearly see in this picture how the walls actually look and how it isnt in fact front facing. The CDC changes the definition of vccination on September 1st. Who is the serpent? It's an odd shape to make a building, and there had to be a reason for it. I am old enough to remember when Joe Biden promised he was going to take out the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline if Russia invaded Ukraineso why is he denying it now? Avoid getting tested. They gain everything. Politicization of our agencies to help HILLARY! I don't subscribe to christianity but I love this show, can't wait for season 5. And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: And upon her forehead, And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou. I mean, I do agree with that and I agree with it strongly.". Your creator wants you to embrace all life around you and appreciate what it means to be alive. The military does not recognize Biden as POTUS. Stick to the topic at hand, report rule violations, and keep any discussion directed at users, mods, or this sub in reply to this comment only. The building is not a rectangle, it narrows at the "mouth". Catholics don't follow Christ's teachings. Not attacking, just curious. See how it feels for you. In order to facilitate the view of the papal throne, even the floor has a double convex curvature. Theres a huge pentagram within the streets and major political landmarks if you look at the map of the city as well. You read what Big J did to the moneylenders? Many of their teachings are not biblical at all - from saints to baby baptisms to the concept of confessing to pedo priests. READ MORE. You wanna know God? They are the church of Satan pretending to be the church of God. "Giver of immortal gladness". Which is 6655.34inches. I wonder why the homeschooling movement is gaining in popularity? The manifestation of a spirit within a human being. Looks like we're having trouble connecting to our server. Just saying. Imo that doesn't make any sense, Some suspect its a karma thing they believe in, they sort of tell us who they are and what they do and thus get our collective blessing to do so and so no karmic payment for them in the afterlife, ties in with the whole hollywood predictive programming thing for example lone gunmen and 9/11 etc. Those two walls are parallel to each other and the building is a rectangle. The disgusting, lying media fought the president tooth and nail for months telling us this drug was deadly. Reddit banned the webpage that lists 44 peer-reviewed studies, 39 of which show that ivermectin is effective against COVID19. If you were bit by a venomous snake that was game over. NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Leaked Report Says Benjamin Netanyahu Preparing Israel For Strike On Irans Escalating Nuclear Capabilities, The Saucon Valley Middle School In Hellertown Pennsylvania Gives The Green Light To Launching An After School Satan Club For Young Children, PHARMAKEIA ALERT: Street Drug Xylazine Known As Tranq Is Creating Literal Zombie Populations In Predominantly Democrat-Controlled Cities Across US, BREAKING NEWS: Francis Chan, Rick Warren And NAR Were Already Planning A Revival At Asbury University In Video Released 7 Days Before It All Started, The Headquarters For Chrislam, The Abrahamic Family House In Abu Dhabi, Is Now Nearly Complete And Should Be Operational In Just A Few Weeks, On Sunday November 13th, Get Ready For The Chrislam Climate Repentance Ceremony On Mount Sinai In Egypt As The United Nations Holds COP27. But if you want to talk Bible, where there is a real reptile that presents itself as a dragon with 7 heads and 10 horns, now Im interested. Both churches still pray to the saints and Mary, but they both call it joining in prayer with the saints. Getting dragged to your death and eaten was a real possibility. Also notice the ceiling is made to look like snake skin, the fangs, the antichrist sculpture. I did some more digging on the 21 gun salute. Will You Help Us To Send 700 King James Bibles To The Houston County Detention Center In Perry Georgia? In our country something is going on and no one is telling us anything. Just a 13 ton shipment of human hair. The only people who need perception to be reality is those who make perception different from reality (aka decievers). Well, what happened in the garden? vatican snake church Those who don't use their brains can't see it because the information conveyed is covert. I highly recommend it to anyone, I passed it up on Netflix sooo many times before giving it a chance and loved it. Maybe someone else can elaborate or argue otherwise. One Gospel (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) reading. Found in unsealed Maxwell documents - Serious allegations - Maxwell directed the minor to have sex with former MIT scientist Marvin Minsky at Epstein's complex in the US Virgin Islands. I grew up without church in my life and decided to go for a few years in college, before waking up. READ MORE. The vatican claims all human creatures be subjected to the roman pontiff. I find it hilarious that both satan and prometheus were severely punished for trying to give knowledge to people and demonize to hell for it. We are in a sci-fi fantasy movie with cosmic war going on and the most we can do is listen to the message of Jesus - DO NOT CARE ABOUT THIS MATERIAL REALITY. To my surprise, there was a full blown Catholic mass being done, in latin. Are you telling me that infants don't just die suddenly for no reason?! Almost makes it seem like Jesus was trying to tell you to not trust the Catholic church. Paul met with Peter and James and penned a large portion of the New Testament. Gerald M.C. The Paul VI Audience Halls draws many conspiracy theories not only due to this sculpture that people swear is a demonic representation and a serpent idol, but also because the design of the hall makes many associate it with snake imagery. An overview of Epstein and his connections. Snakes do not have vocal cords. It was definitely infiltration. Lucifer is also the name of the morning star in Latin I believe. The word snake in that instance was mistranslated. It appeared in feminine forms in Amelia and Emily; its masculine forms were Amery, Emeric, and Emery. It was completed by artist Pericle Fazzini in 1977, but this is deceiving, since the actual execution took a long time. Others are asking: Is the US food supply chain under attack? Look at it from the outside. The word Vatican means divine Serpent. Keys are also common symbol in the Vatican. My answer to you is this; its not much trouble. The auditorium was built with extensive use of reinforced concrete and a special concrete mix with white marble dust and grit provided by Italcementi. And check out those fancy earrings Digital soldiers in the Great Awakening truth movement are doing a lot of the research and waking people up and have been for the last 3 years. Christianity itself is a strange concept. His gospel was written before Acts, and Acts was written before Pauls death (pre-68 AD). Certainly not the actual Church that Jesus on the cross shed His own blood to create. Take a look at the Bills that are pending in New York State. Religious manipulation has been fundamental in our existence for thousands of years, all in the guise of venerable wise men. Ghislaine Maxwell documents from 2015 unsealing no later than Thur, July 30th. Posts like this is the real reason that 8chan was shut down. With the wide lens its stretched and it looks like a snake head. "Abstain from all appearance of evil." 1 Thessalonians 5:22 (KJV) You think I've gone far enough with believing an alternative theory, without even knowing what I am choosing between? One of my favourite movie scenes from childhood is this one, the end scene in Sister Act 2, where the choir performs the big finale "Joyful Joyful". TPTB love to mock their intended targets by showing in plain site what they are about. They brought the pedophiles but left the dogs. Yeah dude, I remember my mind being blown wide open during lecture in my Art Appreciation class. First, keep in mind that he word "Vatican" literally means "Divining Serpent," and is derived from Vatis = Diviner, and Can = Serpent. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Resurrection_(Fazzini). Look at religious history stoning, christ on a cross, the inquisition, they are some of the most unstable fucks akin to suicide bombers. Designed by award-winning Italian architectPier Luigi Nervi, the building is designed to seat 6300 people for conference with the Pope himself, who presents from a stage in front of a giant Satanic looking sculpture. It's not only reptilians; there's another one that looks like a praying mantis that people regularly report encountering in abductions, but the reptilians are more numerous. With that in mind, the fact that the Vatican created a building in the shaped of a giant reptile and the pope gives speeches from the beast's mouth is off-the-charts interesting. Thank me later. Things like the circus that Pope Francis invited to the reptilian Audience Hall on January 8, 2020. My guess is that he is the reptilian. The class was more so the whole history of Art, starting from the very beginning with cave paintings and why they were important for man's hunting/survival methods. Especially on Reddit. The Bible warns of false jews who say they are jews, but are not. It is one of the last great works of Pier Luigi Nervi, an engineer by training as well as a skilled entrepreneur and unsurpassed interpreter of cement as form and structure for architectural and infrastructural works where it is impossible to distinguish the design project from structural computation. What a weird reality, but we have to face it. The Devil was a creation of the Catholic church along with ever growing control tool something protestants have been happy to continue. It is a bit more esoteric than that. "A vampire has to be invited in" and so on, and so forth. The overwhelming effect of Vosko's edifice is that it would be more serviceable as a showroom for upscale sports cars. Yet I consider myself Christian because I follow Christ. Lucifer is not a proper name in the Bible. Note: I have done a few psychedelics but never DMT and I'm not condoning it's use. The word, "woman," aptly portrays Johannine symbolism with regard to Mary's role in giving life to the Life-giver as Adam calls his wife "Life" (Zwn') in . We're looking outside in at a world we can't even hope to understand. . In this overhead photo, the building stands out for its unusual shape, which is innocuous enough until juxtaposed with a viper's head. More than 700 arrested in biggest ever UK operation against organised crime after encrypted phone network cracked. There are 44 peer-reviewed studies, 39 of which show that ivermectin is effective against COVID19. I was listening to Sam Tripolis Tin Foil Hat podcast the other day and he had on David Icke and Eddie Bravo and they talked a little about lizard people. Way to separate the congregation from the Man himself. I wonder if he'll have instagram. And who did that character represent? Can you imagine the implications lol, Child diddling priests is already worrying enough huh. They're not cats, they're lizards in cat suits. This building is where the Pope speaks to the public. Don't worry, you crazy paranoid "anti-vaxxers," no one wants to force you to get vaccinated. Snowden tweeted that the hysteria was an engineered bait and switch to prevent the media from covering the pipeline explosion revelations. It was to suppress the masses of their terrible lives. I don't doubt what you're saying, I'm just interested. Remember the weird video from Howie Mandel from last week where he cuts the corners off the bag? The Vatican, while located in Rome, is it's own sovereign nation state, and a look around the grounds reveals unimaginable wealth and a plethora of strangely symbolic pieces. In the Vatican gardens, the papal coat of arms is depicted in topiary. how can you make the connection? Here is the evidence that Reddit user MaxwellHill is Ghislaine Maxwell. And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thouartcursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Genesis 3:14,15 (KJV). Look for Reptilian Eyes. Was this before 1962? Practically, it's a denomination of Christianity, as a form of Satan worship. But lets not let the facts get in the way of a good story. I still have several hypotheses as to why he knew so much and reportedly was so hated by the Pharisees. My, what an AMAZING coincidence to see, in the middle of an egg shortage, the largest supplier of chickens eggs, Hillendale Farms, burn to the ground. Watch and share. He knew too much. Whether you believe it or not. The snake can be noted amongst other cultures including the Egyptians. Yes, they do. It's fucking bizarre. We are meant to be afraid and hopeless. Thanks to this symbolism they keep getting reminded of who they are. I DO NOT condone violence, but at times, a fight for good is all they leave you with. Thats just crazy talk. Id attribute my current practice of mindful meditation to the boring ass Sundays when Id be up in my head for an hour without any real stimulus. Because the only way you can take that picture is by either using panoramic mode or fish eye. That's why. (This is why that young ringneck snake needs to be hiding in tiny crevicesso the bigger snakes don't eat it.) Without explanation, I gotta start asking wtf is going on behind the scenes. Check out the alien abductions phenomenon, David Wilcock's research, Icke's research, and especially Dr. Joseph Farrell on the subject of a cosmic war. Pretty much every auditorium looks like that from the wrong angle. The Vatican, while located in Rome, is its own sovereign nation state, and a look around the grounds reveals unimaginable wealth and a plethora of strangely symbolic pieces. Zoom in on that "red tree" in the back and you tell me what you see! The Pope is the taking piece of the one that ought not be named. The name of the pineal gland comes from its pinecone-like shape. President Trump on Qanon: What I do hear about it is they are very strongly against pedophilia. We will continue the explanation of the Letter of Saint Paul to the Galatians. It is an eighth the size of New York's Central Park and is governed as an absolute monarchy with the pope at its head . Maybe it's a "symbol" referring to spirituality rising. They both criticized the Jews for their nature and were killed for it. The EO Church views statues as "graven images" whereas icons are "windows into Heaven" and just a reminder of how the saints persevered in Christ. I heard it was christ being reborn out of armagedon type shit, also the snake is to keep the viewer in a trance type state attributed to our early survival mechanism. That horrible banshee Cardi B lost her trademark battle for her use of "Okurrr" because it was popularized elsewhere. When people write in and say how much they would like gospel tracts but cannot afford them, we send them a box at no cost to them for either the tracts or the shipping, no matter where they are in the world. I will speak for my experiences though. Maybe its because the knowledge of the fundamentals of duality, good and evil, was gifted by the snake in the garden of Eden, not God. The current was intertwined like 2 snakes, the caduceus / dna symbol. I would agree except for two points. Reddit officially allows anti-white racism and hate speech. The Vatican loves dead things, and creepy things, and perverted things. Its up to the individual to find that god that lives within us all. LGBTQIA+ Affirming Pope Francis Says That Gays Should Be Welcomed Into The Church And That God Loves Them Just The Way They Are, But Does He? I had the idea of depicting Christ as if He were rising again from the explosion of this large olive grove, peaceful site of His last prayers. The whole building and stage appear to resemble the image of a snake. I grew up going to church but stopped in my teens. They don't choose words lightly, and if you dismiss the esoteric origin of the name "America" then you are missing out on an entire chapter of human history. Hebrews was obviously written before Jerusalem was sacked in 70 AD, and none of the gospels mention the destruction of the Temple. They are betting that you won't do shit about it. For today's lesson, we will learn about "contraband cloaking". Mass is not a cannibalism ceremony, but rather an offering to God. Someone send this shit to David icke and lol see what he says? But its a good reminder. They rape kill and decieve their way to the top because they have no regaurd for anyone else but themselves. Although the bid was given to ES&S, there is something quite curious about its application: It's REDACTED. Tricking mankind into darkness. Perhaps most common is the portrayal of the serpent as an enemy in general, or as Satan in particular., is the earth-bound incarnation of that familiar part of our timeless cosmic selves, the rebel within. How about apologizing to the American people and the president, you frauds. Designed by award-winning Italian architectPier Luigi Nervi, the building is designed to seat 6300 people for conference with the Pope himself, who presents from a stage in front of a giant Satanic looking sculpture. Since 1990, there has been an explosion of chronic disease. There are different levels of understanding, which is why Paul taught on different levels. And as fate would have it, that dragon, that 'scarlet coloured beast' of Bible prophecy is 100% connected with the Vatican, the pope and the Catholic Church. . Because he's a massive gate keeper and anyone here following him now it is only giving him more power to avoid asking those questions. There is no snake in the real hall. When the Pope excommunicated the Eastern Orthodox Patriarch, the Roman Church slowly changed to the up, down, left, right, while the Eastern Church continued with the traditional up, down, right, left. Is it common in other abrahamic religions as well? So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. Vatican - that word means divining serpent. What's even weirder is when you realized that creepy ass unholy as hell looking sculpture is dead center in it's mouthdirectly behind the popes throne. The Egyptian hieroglyph for Sirius is an obelisk with a half oval and a star. The occult level is one that is often hidden from Christians, and it does turn some off to Christianity and cause confusion. Beware the false prophet. 666) over one eye. There is so much end times activity of all kinds, sizes and flavors, that we here at NTEB are hard-pressed to keep up with it all, it is a veritable feast of news and information showing us how close we truly are to the catching up in the clouds to be with the Lord we who are saved will soon experience. Can they comment on what it looks like in person? Remember that part when Jesus ordered humanity to hoard wealth and build giant temples out of marble and gold? So even from the outside and viewed from the sky, the entire building is a dead-ringer for a snakes head. By then it was too late for them to stop it. The head of Jesus is turning into(anyone care to hazard a guess here? He was the primary Deep State target. vatican snake church. The pope sits and speaks in the mouth of a snake. There is no doubt what this is. Strongly Q-themed antipedo protests are a thing now. Now, if the United States did blow up the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline, then any energy crisis experienced in Europe would actually be the fault of, not Russia, but the United States. Both churches still venerate these things, which has always struck me as a little weird. That's the point. His life was a blueprint to ascension, but it was co opted into this religious system to set humanity against each other. They purposefully adopted pagan religious holidays and customs to trick people into converting, established and rooted thousands of miles away from where the entire Bible takes place, and the holy text was compiled, edited, and changed by an enclave of Europeans hundreds of years later, and then used to justify invasions, murder, and slavery for thousands of years. I don't know for sure if Nintendo would have lost their license, but it wasn't worth the risk when everybody called video game consoles "Nintendos" that weren't from Nintendo at all. Pope Francis Entrusts The Soul Of Pontifex Maximus Emeritus Benedict XVI To The Most Holy Virgin Mary Queen Of Heaven, NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: Why Roman Catholicism Is Not Biblical Christianity, And We Take Your Bible Questions In Our NTEB Open Forum, NTEB RADIO BIBLE STUDY: The True Identity Of The Woman In Revelation 17, And The Precise Geographical Location Of Babylon In Revelation 18. Its simple though, life is a gift. There is only one in the distorted picture, because it was a neat feature to put into the picture. [Source]. Here's the exterior. Multiple trains have seemingly spontaneously derailed before bursting in flames. Inside you see fangs, snake eyes and scales. Father Martin says the book, while fictional, is based on true events. Have a look at the image below and compare its shape to the image of a snake beside it. Encircled by a 2-mile border with Italy, Vatican City is an independent city-state that covers just over 100 acres . Can you elaborate? You can lose a trademark just because people call your product the wrong thing? Making something more familiar for locals doesnt trick anyone into adopting it. And baffling how someone can manipulate an innocent photo to make it evil. We think we are living in "our world" but we are really living in theirs - a world they designed and dominate - and so few of us realize this. But it was completed by artist Pericle Fazzini in 1977, but at times, fight! Is where the Pope speaks to the Galatians to each other icke and see. In plain site what they are the church of God reality ( aka decievers ) where the Pope speaks the. Photo to make a building, and creepy things, and Acts written. 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why is the vatican shaped like a snake